2002 ISX cm570
01-21-2024, (Subject: 2002 ISX cm570 ) 
Post: #1
2002 ISX cm570
Hello all! New to the forum. I searched the forum but couldn't find what I was looking for. I'm wondering what version of cummins insight I need to connect to my cm570 ecm? I have the pre-egr version with 475hp.

Messages In This Thread
2002 ISX cm570 - Caveman - 01-21-2024
RE: 2002 ISX cm570 - Caveman - 01-22-2024,
RE: 2002 ISX cm570 - Rawze - 01-22-2024,
RE: 2002 ISX cm570 - hhow55 - 01-23-2024,
RE: 2002 ISX cm570 - Caveman - 01-23-2024,

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