08-10-2024, (Subject: Lights ) 
Post: #2
RE: Lights
My first thought was the headlight wire is shorting out on the blinker wire. Idk. Is there a control system for these lights on this truck?

Messages In This Thread
Lights - 3406E - 08-10-2024,
RE: Lights - 3406E - 08-10-2024
RE: Lights - tree98 - 08-10-2024,
RE: Lights - 3406E - 08-10-2024,
RE: Lights - hhow55 - 08-11-2024,
RE: Lights - hhow55 - 08-11-2024,
RE: Lights - 3406E - 08-13-2024,
RE: Lights - 3406E - 10-05-2024,
RE: Lights - 3406E - 10-05-2024,
RE: Lights - 3406E - 10-05-2024,

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