Peterbilt 2015 cm2350 list of issues
Yesterday, (Subject: Peterbilt 2015 cm2350 list of issues ) 
Post: #51
RE: Peterbilt 2015 cm2350 list of issues
This has been the biggest cluster I’ve ever had to deal with. So dealer couldn’t get a pump head. I went and ordered one form dales diesel “mistake” told shipping was 3-5 days, 10days later get new head and metering valve. Install said head and valve crank truck and the head is either cracked or has a pinhole in it and diesel is flowing out or it. Call dealer again and order another head and valve. They deliver it and take my core. I’m not around at the time no big deal. Get back and even though I asked if the metering block was on the head and was assured, it was it is not so they sent me all the seals and an incomplete head now I gotta wait for the core to come back so I can get the metering block off.. dales doesn’t simply warranty their sales you have to buy a replacement and send back the defective one and hope they warranty it. If they don’t it’s a $400 fee for cleaning and testing. plus if they do warranty it no refunds like for like warranty exchange onl. And may take a month or more for the warranty to work out.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Peterbilt 2015 cm2350 list of issues - Trey7981 - Yesterday

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