Isx surging or rough idle
05-14-2018, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #10
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
Smorgan87 you already recommended that he spend hrs crossing his fingers and praying to the makers of seafoam to fix his problem. Theres a huge flaw in that logic.
You started on the right path of giving this guy good advice with properly diagnosing it with Insite and some sound testing methods. But somewhere hillbilly logic took over and your now "guaranteeing" seafoam is not going to harm his engine. Like loosening some gum, gunk, build up and sending it into a really bad place. Or softening seals and rubber lines causing other problems down the road. The makers of seafoam won't even guarantee this!! Don't help push snake oil here. They steal enough money from the American public.

Bryanluster1 save your $10 and that hr of waiting and apply it to logical proven methods of finding your problem. As far as removing and checking your actuators. IF you have the metal gaskets. Then they are reusable if they're still in good shape. If not the paper gaskets are a few dollars and checking the actuator's should only take a little over an hr. And then you'll also know for sure what shape they are in if another problem arises.
05-14-2018, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #11
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
I doubt the makers of seafoam intended it to be used drinking 100% alchohol can kill you but is pretty darn good around 40% lol
 Thanks given by: Volvo8873
05-14-2018, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #12
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
Those injectors spray at a pretty high pressure right? I'm sceptical that any kind of "cleaner" could do a better job cleaning the injectors than the high pressure fuel spraying out of them constantly. Maybe I'm wrong that's just the first thought that comes to my mind
 Thanks given by: Chamberpains
05-15-2018, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #13
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
Wow using injector cleaner to clean injectors is hillbilly logic. Cool story. I guess brake clean isnt used for brakes? Is gear oil not used for gears either. shi#t ive been doin it all wrong this whole time. Im not saying the stuff a damn miracle worker but if a can of injector cleaner took care of a carbon deposit sticking my injector id rather that than replacing that bitch for 800 bucks and 5 hrs of labor. But who knows maybe some of you have days on end and thousands of dollars to spend on an inframe when all ya needed was an oil change. Nilao. In small gas stuff its used in the tanks as well as sprayed in the intake. On diesels its intended to be added to the filter.
05-15-2018, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #14
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
Just curious but are you the sort that swears e85 will blow up an engine if it didnt specifically say flex fuel vehicle.
05-15-2018, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #15
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
Smorgan you comparison's are rediculous. You can throw any thing you want thru your vehicle. But to give advice that he should do this 1st before he even checks anything or as a "what can it hurt" measure, when infact it can hurt things, that's hillbilly logic. That's no advice at all. With that mentality you need to go in to business selling the stuff. Thats the way they think.
Instead how about actually tearing into things and seeing what caused it. I'll bet a clogged injector is not even close to the top of the list of possibilities if it even makes my list at all. Your $10 blind faith answer could possibly send the problem straight thru an injector. What are you going to do for the guy if thats the case? It is your gaurantee remember...
05-15-2018, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #16
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
I was going to ignore this one but I guess it is not going away...

-- First and foremost. Extensive testing of injector cleaners by many sources over the years has proven that NO LIQUID PRODUCT on its own that also does not destroy the seals etc. can reverse long term fuel deposit buildup in a fuel system by simply flushing/using it. Non-Damaging Injector cleaners CAN HOWEVER reduce/keep at bay, fuel deposit buildup if used regularly. - There is no simple liquid cure for ANY LONG TERM OR ENCRUSTED fuel deposit buildup inside injectors and fuel systems!.

-- NEXT -- If there is so much fuel deposit/contamination buildup inside the fuel system and injector(s) that it causes engine run issues like hard starts, excess smoke, etc.... THIS IS A VERY VERY BAD SIGN!!!. This is because all those deposits have made their way all the way to the injector tips where injection spray patterns have likely changed or become uneven. - This leads to an inefficient and unpredictable combustion process of which I HAVE LITERALLY SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES MORE THAN ONCE!!! where those bad spray patterns have caused everything from simple fuel mileage and other issues to washing out of the liners, cracked pistons, cracked heads, and various other problems.


Your grandma's old car she goes to the grocery store with and don't care much about?--- Sure, Why not some liquid cure if it works. On a commercial diesel engine designed to make you money where it could cost TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS AND A LOT OF DOWN TIME when that hole gets burned through that piston, or worse,.. a piston goes through the block because of months of repeated detonation and excess wrist pin wear,... NOT RECOMMENDED BY ME!!! -- DO THE JOB RIGHT, SHUT THE TRUCK DOWN, REPLACE THE CLOGGED FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COUNT YOUR LOSSES AS INSURANCE AGAINST THAT $25,000 REBUILD YOU PREVENTED!.

I see at least 10 or more trucks a year that are apart that CLOGGED INJECTOR TIPS AND FUEL DEPOSITS contributed greatly to their demise!. No liquid cure is going to reverse these effects with any kind of simple "flush!".


* Take a fuel sample or 2 and ahve filters analyzed for containments. FIND OUT what any contaminations there may be in your fuel system and take appropriate measures.

* TAKE THINGS APART AND INSPECT THEM! to see the extent of the damage/buildup --- THEN AND ONLY THEN can someone make a determination on a proper cure.

* PERFORM IN-ENGINE INJECTOR TESTING like performance test(s), cut-out test(s), and injector leakage tests.

* Suspect injectors need to BE REMOVED FROM THE ENGINE AND THE CYLINDER BOROSCOPED to ensure the injector is not causing fuel deposits, impingement problems, has a bad spray pattern, and/or other things that WILL EVENTUALLY LEAD TO ENGINE FAILURE!. -- IT AIN'T NO GODDAM LAWNMOWER FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!.--- DO THE RIGHT THING AND TAKE THE RIGHT STEPS!


* AFTER THE REPAIR/CORRECTION, TAKE STEPS FOR PREVENTION!. In the case of fuel system deposit problems, use an injector cleaner that is also a lubricant regularly instead of waiting until the shi#t is gunked up again. A good example,... My own truck MADE IT A MILLION MILES ON IT WITH ALL ORIGINAL FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS simply because i used an injector cleaner once a month AND used finer (10 micron) fuel filters to prevent those types of problems to begin with. -- AND EVEN WHEN I DID REPLACE FUEL COMPONENTS, -- THEY HAD NO DEPOSITS ON THEM,.. THEY SIMPLY GOT WORN OUT FROM MANY YEARS OF PROFITABLE PROBLEM FREE USE!.


You guys can argue the details all you want to but I am not going to recommend ANYTHING LESS because i have seen the results of guys who take shortcuts and don;t maintain their fuel systems to high standards,.. IT IS UGLY AND CAUSES ENGINE FAILURES that are WAY MORE EXPENSIVE than the crap few days you had to GET OFF YOUR ARSSE and fix things right!.

User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!.
 Thanks given by: Nilao , Bruce_Sloane
02-07-2019, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #17
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
Sorry guys old post. Turned out to be injectors 4,5,6 replaced
02-07-2019, (Subject: Isx surging or rough idle ) 
Post: #18
RE: Isx surging or rough idle
(05-15-2018 )Rawze Wrote:  I was going to ignore this one but I guess it is not going away...

-- First and foremost. Extensive testing of injector cleaners
Sorry just now getting back online wow . Thanks for info rawze and it ended up being air in fuel line system and 4,5,6 injectors out which I had all the fuel actuators replaced same time and had new fuel lines ran with a new water separator.

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